Sabyasachi Guha
My Journey with Him

G & Me
This blog is my personal story over the years.
My search for enlightenment, moksha, ultimate reality - call it what you wish - brought me to the doorstep of Sabyasachi Guha. He blasted my goals and ideas over time and introduced me to what living simply actually meant by the very way he lived and functioned day after day. He has impacted my life very deeply and irrevocably and for this I am eternally grateful to him.
If you wish to read more about my story, please check the site menu for the e-book Mystique of Love. I have been posting the chapters as they get ready.
To read more about Sabyasachi Guha you can check:
I can be reached at

About The Blog
What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is Sabyasachi Guha. Since I got started as a blogger back in 2000, I have found such a sense of fulfillment in my own life. I enjoy writing about my passions, what interests me, what interests other people, and sharing it with the world. With each passing day, Sabyasachi Guha gains more followers, and with that, even more success.